Sea Chanteys and Workers’ Voices
Past Program | Virtual
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Join the Seaport Museum and special guests Bonnie Milner and Deirdre Murtha, co-hosts of our monthly chantey sings and members of The New York Packet and The Johnson Girls, for a musical exploration of sea chanteys, including the role sea songs play in the work of sailing tall ships, their varied origins, and the difference between chanteys and other maritime songs. Attendees will hear examples of many types of chanteys and will be invited to sing along. A short Q&A will follow, along with resources for building your own repertoire and finding opportunities to sing.
This online program has already taken place, but you can still enjoy the video. Click below to watch.
Reading and Reference Materials
Join Our Sea Song Sing Along!

Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music: A Monthly Sea Song Sing Along
From our living rooms and kitchens, and even from the deck of Wavertree, join us for our round-robin of shared sea songs, featuring members of The New York Packet and friends.

Support Our Work!
While the Museum’s indoor spaces remain closed to the public, we are continuing to serve our community in safe and engaging ways by developing and delivering virtual programs like this one, at no cost. Help us make this work possible.